1st digital card box. is the ‘Swiss Army Knife’ made by and for collectors
to store all data on your collectibles, use it mobile, manage it efficient and secure.

AppstoreGoogleplay * Requires iOS 7.0 or higher
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Digital Carbox
Digital Carbox

Manage your collection in a digital card box designed based on best practices on industry leaders.

Collect & Connect
Collect & Connect

Connect with others collectors or artists to stay up to date with the art you like.

Verified Artists
Verified Artists

Artists can create (blockchain secured) cards with digital certificates that proof authenticity.

Chained art
Chained art

Chain cards with others to prove that there is a trail to the owner without revealing who is in between.

The art world in one app is the app the art world has been looking for. Organise your collection with a simple and beautify interface. Connect with other collectors, artists and art enthusiasts. Create and visit showrooms, make cards public to share with others or just keep you collection private.

How it works:

  • Open your private card box
  • add a new card
  • attach related data
  • manage your collection
  • set cards public or keep them private
  • send/chain/receive a card.
  • Close your card box.
swiss army knife of the art world
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Design matters

We at are convinced that design matters so we developed a stunning design concept that stands out in the art software world. Beautiful art deserves a user interface.

    The perfect tool for living artists provides a set of tools designed to support the artists.

    Verified artists are supported with free credits that can be used to create digital certificates for their own art that are secured on the polygon blockchain. (Of course artists can also create NFTs). gives artists direct exposure to collectors around the world and helps spreading their art.

    Become an verified artist now by applying in the app.

    AppstoreGoogleplay * Requires iOS 7.0 or higher tools